The team worked in development for a long time they wanted to develop a functional blockchain solution, taking DEFI as a trend decided to create our own version of Uniswap.
This year we developed EggSwap on Expanse blockchain. Our journey towards development consists of a variety of challenging events. Some of you have been asking why we have chosen to remain anonymous during development and after. The truth is, because of regulatory uncertainty.
After deployed both the subgraph to IPFS integrated to graph node. Both the subgraph started syncing the data and we continuously ingested the synced data to Postgress. After syncing we tested the graphql queries and populated the charts and tables of Eggswap-info.
Now the platform is launched and working at the moment there is a total of 29,879,622 Eggs on the EggSupply and the rewards per block are 100 egg.
We gave the Tokenlab users a way to burn their Tokenlabs.