Welcome to the fourth edition of the Expanse Newsletter for 2018. This publication is a bi-monthly newsletter issued on the 1st and 15th of each month to share happenings within our community. Keep in mind that breaking news can come at any time, but the Expanse Newsletter is a great overview of progress, news, and our current focus.

We have some very exciting news. Expanse is growing in South and Central America, in places and countries that really need cryptocurrency alternatives now, rather than in some hypothetical future. Many things are in process down there, and Omar Alvarez of Expanse and Gameboard has been working on spreading awareness of Expanse in his home country of Guatemala. About six months ago, he contacted Payza to attempt to get Expanse added to this powerful company that is a major Paypal alternative, and recently, they added Expanse! Beyond that, a specific wallet for Expanse is also being developed now by Payza to add even more utility.
Payza was the one company Omar found after trying 19 others that finally allowed him to exchange crypto and fiat, which allows him to effectively work and be paid in cryptocurrency and buy crypto with fiat, which is essential for real adoption at this point until crypto is everywhere. Payza is very big in South America and covers 190 countries. This means Expanse is not only available for fiat exchange in Guatemala and other Central and South American countries but also many other places around the world. Payza has various business functions, shopping cart integration, and works as a fiat and crypto payments system, and cryptocurrency exchange with multiple fiat currencies supported.
Below is the list of the various popular Altcoins added. As you can see this is quite an exclusive list and a big win for Expanse.

To read up more on how this all works, you can see this blog post from Payza where they list Expanse.
Beyond that, Omar Alvarez has been invited to be a speaker with other entrepreneurs at an upcoming Central American Blockchain convention that is in the early planning stages now. This upcoming event will greatly help Expanse in Central and South America.

We are pleased to announce that LocalBitcoinCash has added both Expanse and Tokenlab to their exchange system. These additions mean that arranged online trades with escrow and arranged trades directly person to person for LAB and EXP can now be made through LocalBitcoinCoinCash. This is a great utility for Expanse and Tokenlab, and a means to physically trade Tokenlab and Expanse outside of normal exchanges.
“The LBCH platform has a lot of differences than its Localbitcoins counterpart. For instance, LBCH has a feature service where users can email BCH to a friend or family member. Trades can be done via escrow using methods like a bank transfer, or users can meet each other locally. The “meetup” option seems to be the most active trades on the platform right now.” – Jamie Redman
Of great interest, LocalBitcoinCash also plans to become an online service like Shapeshift, so once that happens, apparently, Expanse and Tokenlab should easily be tradeable for any of the other cryptocurrencies on LocalBitcoinCash, much like using Shapeshift. So this great news should only get better in the future for the options on LocalBitcoinCash like Expanse and Tokenlab.

As many of you have likely heard, MyEtherWallet and Mycrypto have split up and there are now two teams and two projects where formerly there was only Myetherwallet. Mycrypto.com, one of the teams, has recently added Expanse so you can now use the Expanse Network on Myetherwallet.com or Mycrypto.com as you prefer, as they now both support Expanse. Always use either service with care and make sure to use the correct website address, and use a hardware wallet if possible. Expanse is supported on the Ledger hardware wallet.
Additionally, Bestrate has added Expanse. Bestrate is like a priceline for cryptocurrencies that match the best rates and prices with various exchanges. This makes it easier for people to find the best prices on certain amounts of Expanse they might be looking to buy or sell.