by dev | Oct 31, 2019 | Newsletter Vol 4 No 18
Jitendra Rathod, newsletter contributing editor, provides insights into how blockchain is transforming the real estate industry and shares some real world use cases. When Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin using the blockchain technology, little did he...
by dev | Oct 31, 2019 | Newsletter Vol 4 No 18
by Omar Alvarez Since the past year, you have all highly appreciated the sleek cover designs that accompany our newsletters. Behind these amazing designs and thoughtful messages is our very own Creative Director, Omar Alvarez. Omar completed two fruitful years at...
by dev | Oct 31, 2019 | Newsletter Vol 4 No 18
Hello Folks! This time around we are featuring Luis Arboleda in our Behind the Tech series. Luis, as you all know, is the Director of Sports Marketing at Sports Agents 502, a premier sports management company in Guatemala. And he has recently collaborated with Expanse...
by dev | Oct 31, 2019 | Newsletter Vol 4 No 18
In our last update on EXPEX, we shared a screen sample of the User Interface. The development has proceeded at a swift pace since the past two months and we are happy to announce that it is complete. We have released EXPEX to beta testers and are in the process of...