Expanse – 03/15/2021
Newsletter Vol.6, No. 1

Welcome to the 1st Expanse Newsletter of 2021 a lot of things have happened in Expanse. There was massive growth in price, EggSwap is exploding, new tokens were and Liquidity pools added, the info system provides clarity to the EggSwap markets, Expanse Bridge (Dendrite) was launched and completely changes the market paradigm, new site, new documentation and support systems. We also improve our security in the nodes and a roadmap that is worth taking the time to read. Well we invite you to read this impressive Newsletter and we hope to continue publishing it once a month.
Developers Update
This month has been very exciting for Expanse. With the introduction of cross chain transactions we have successfully connected Expanse to all the major blockchains and economic hubs in the industry. According to the Eggswap graphs that recently launched, this has led to a whopping 400% growth in liquidity and volume on EggSwap Exchange. The EXP price and market cap have also seen a 200% increase while community engagement as well as contribution has picked up noticeably. In other words, we are one step closer to the type of self sovereignty we have dreamed about for over half a decade....
What’s going on with the ExpSwap Team?
The ExpSwap team has been working on setting the Stats system, this implementation of eggswap-info finished all the configuration for this project. After the deployment of the contract registry data smart contract to Expanse mainnet and for eggswap-v2-subgraph we gave the starting block 4,000,000 in order to sync the data. We deployed both the subgraph to IPFS integrated to graphnode. Both the subgraph started syncing the data and we continuously ingested the synced data to Postgress. After syncing we tested the graphql queries and populated the charts and tables of Eggswap-info. One of...
Our new site is live
It has been a long way to renew our website, this time in our last redesign we tried to change our line of colors to refresh our image a bit, we went through a vote and in the end we arrived at a fresh portal with a new amazing look. We love our logo and we believe faithfully that it represents us and already has a place in the public and our fans. Our site, besides from having important information for anyone who wants to know about our impressive technology, has super important information, here are some things that you will find new on our website: General information about Expanse,...
Check our roadmap
The most important thing for us in this new roadmap is to work on milestones that allow us to provide everyone with better tools, more information, best practices and, as always, innovative solutions from the mind of our team. Above all, we want to provide a flexible roadmap that can be adapted to the needs of the community but committed to each milestone. The Roadmap is presented with the following milestones: Open Source Software Best Practices: in order to facilitate a more inclusive culture of contributors we will be combining open source best practices with a new communication...
How to add your token to Eggswap?
At EggSwap we give you the ability to add your tokens to our exchange and it is as easy as editing the list in the repository and sending a pull request, once approved it will be displayed on the EggSwap exchange (https://www.eggs.cool/ex/#/swap). To do that follow the next steps: Go to https://github.com/eggswap/exp-token-list there is a list with the tokens and their logos.Go to the end of the list and add your token with the following information:DirectionChainIDNameSymbolDecimalsLogo URI.DON'T forget to increase the version. Lists include a version field, which follows semantic...
How to use Expanse Bridge?
By Speedrunner On feb 2021 Expanse team launched Expanse Bridge Tool. In this tutorial we gonna learn how to use it. We will try to send Exp to Ubiq chain. Last year became multichain platform year, you can remember rise of LINK from 2$ -> 24$, Polkadot (DOT) launch with even more significant gain in value + a bunch of other less popular projects the main purpose of which is to combine all different chains into one huge network, where you can swap ETH to EXP or EXP to Matic without using centralized exchanges. Okay, now lets try to make some cross-chain transactions on Expanse. First...
Opolo Wallet review by Expanse
A few months ago Opolo.io sent us a Hardware Wallet for tests, we had already done the tests but we had not published our newsletter, today we tell you a little about how this wallet works, what we like and what we don't. Opolo Unboxing Opolo is presented as one of the safest options, its web portal offers these functionalities listed below, we present our observations in this regard: About security Verificacion: It has a verifier from the app to know if the device is genuine or not, which we like to avoid copies that are registered with them and gives us this sense of security. The OPOLO...
Check our Newsletters
monthly publication
EXPANSE NEWSLETTER VOL. 6, NO. 4 – 10/31/2021
Welcome to the 5th Expanse Newsletter of 2021. We are in a new moment for Expanse. After 7 years in the blockchain world we have learned a lot about our community and its needs, today we are growing in Latin America along with this new great trend. Today we have a great participation in this market.
EXPANSE NEWSLETTER VOL. 6, NO. 4 – 08/15/2021
Welcome to the 4th Expanse Newsletter of 2021 a lot of things have happened in Expanse. The new mining Algo is on the way and we are working closely with the recent Central America movement and have already launched 2 tokens for 2 countries on our platform.
EXPANSE NEWSLETTER VOL. 6, NO. 3 – 05/31/2021
Welcome to the 3rd Expanse Newsletter of 2021 a lot of things have happened in Expanse. The token projects are growing fast and communities around EggsSwap, we had a Live with the growing Spanish Community, and much more. Well we invite you to read this impressive Newsletter and we hope to continue publishing it once a month.