The way to show your balance on every token is by adding them to your wallet, to do that you will have to:
Step 1
Press on the Add token button at the bottom of the account
Step 2
Press on Custom token and enter the information for the most important Expanse tokens or a token deployed by you. You will need the Token contract address and Metamask will add the Token Symbol and the Decimals precision. Once you enter the token contract address the Symbol and Decimals will be autofill.
Token contract Address
Here is a list of the Expanse Tokens on Eggswap
- LoveToken – 0x9D2761A714b5b2EfA325a8a3eee21BE32AACeB4A
- T64 – 0x72332c512bf2dA5A7Cd11752b380F7d8fcBba847
- LAB – 0x3b4cfcc4532eec161860cb6544f49947544d940d
- WEXP 0x331631B4bb93b9B8962faE15860BD538a389395A
- PEX 0x4f5ec5a69dbe12c48ca1edc9c52b1e8896aed932
- GXP – 0x29a828f7d34769ae5d788bbbe505fa5b2abadf06
- Lab – 0xa887adb722cf15bc1efe3c6a5d879e0482e8d197