Jitendra Rathod, newsletter contributing editor, interviewed Dania Ilmas, Expanse Project Manager. in regard to her new role with Expanse.

Dania Ilmas is the latest addition to Team Expanse. She is from Islamabad, Pakistan and works alongside Asim and his team from our Islamabad office.

Dania holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from COMSATS University, Islamabad, ranked amongst the top 10 universities in Pakistan.  

Thanks to her mother and uncle who both worked in the IT industry, growing up, technology was a big part of Dania’s life, ever since she was a little girl. “My family is very tech savvy and I had the opportunity to play around with computers from a very young age.” Dania regards her mother and uncle as the guiding light behind her interest in IT.

After finishing university, Dania started working as a .Net developer for a while and then shifted to Software Quality Assurance since she loved finding bugs and getting good quality software delivered to clients. Working in QA eventually exposed her to the crypto industry as she got involved in blockchain projects. She has been working in this field for the past one and a half years. 

Dania recently joined Expanse through a referral. “It’s been only a while but I am already enjoying my time here. The entire team is highly motivated and very encouraging.” She will be working for Expanse as a Project Manager and also in the quality assurance department. “My work is related to ensuring fixes, updates and newer versions/improvements in the project.” She also looks forward to getting involved with the community to understand its aspirations and deliver a better experience from her and her team’s end.

On being asked what excites her the most at Expanse, Dania says that it is the immense potential for growth. “It is always amazing to create new things and to add value to aspects that improve the existing project. Since Expanse is an Ethereum fork, I see a lot of potential there along with the ability to customize that can make this network unique.

Dania says that she looks forward to start work and getting her hands dirty with some exciting projects. “I am up for the challenge and hopefully I can find solutions to the things that will come my way.

Talking about her view of the crypto industry, Dania feels that the future of currency lies in crypto and blockchain. “Expanse can contribute greatly to this technology with the help of its dynamic community and will be able to innovate solutions that help us grow in the world of crypto.

Dania looks forward to working with Expanse and she feels that this is a turning point in her yet nascent career. She believes that this is a big opportunity for her to be part of the Expanse community that will be growing in the future as well.