The EggSwap team has being working on setting the Stats system, this implementation of eggswap-info compromises of following action items:
- Install the Postgress database
- Setup the IPFS
- Setup the graphnode with Expanse mainnet and integrate IPFS and Postgress database.
Once everything was setup we tested the endpoints, after that we deployed 2 subgraphs
- Expanse Blocks
- Eggswap-v2-subgraph
For deploying the expanse blocks we first deployed the contract registry data smart contract to Expanse mainnet and for eggswap-v2-subgraph we gave the starting block 4,000,000 in order to sync the data.
We deployed both the subgraph to IPFS integrated to graphnode. Both the subgraph started syncing the data and we continuously ingested the synced data to Postgress. After syncing we tested the graphql queries and populated the charts and tables of Eggswap-info.