Expanse – 08/15/2020
Newsletter Vol.5, No. 4
Welcome to the 4th Expanse Newsletter of 2020. This newsletter is published once a month and describes the events, developments and news pertaining to the project and the community.
What is an allergy?
50 million Americans are allergic to something. Yes, allergy is that common. Be it pollen, food or animal dander, there are plenty of such allergens around us causing different types of allergies that include allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergies, insect venom...
The developer EXPerience
Alex club token on Expanse Recently on the Expanse Telegram our User Alex shared his experience with Expanse here is the conversation we had (you can look for it on July 17th 2020): Omar: Welcome to all of our new users to Expanse. Alex: IMHO, as a user of...
ExpFaucet Update
A message from its creator SpeedRunner: First of all, I wanna say Thanks to everyone, who download and use ExpFacuet, we try to fix any bugs and add new features as fast as we can. How to use ExpFacuet? 1. First of all, you need to download app from Google Play...
Allergy finder is live
We have created a platform to record all your meals, symptoms and allergic reactions in a very simple way. Keep an orderly diary of your allergic reactions. In addition, you can help others by registering products and their content. Here are some of the most...
Franko’s self reflection
Five years ago When the founders of expanse got together to plan out launching the network we knew that it would be tough. I mean, it was just three of us, a small team with huge ideas. We were ambitious but didn’t have much money, but we recognized there was a...
Check our Newsletters
monthly publication
EXPANSE NEWSLETTER VOL. 6, NO. 4 – 10/31/2021
Welcome to the 5th Expanse Newsletter of 2021. We are in a new moment for Expanse. After 7 years in the blockchain world we have learned a lot about our community and its needs, today we are growing in Latin America along with this new great trend. Today we have a great participation in this market.
EXPANSE NEWSLETTER VOL. 6, NO. 4 – 08/15/2021
Welcome to the 4th Expanse Newsletter of 2021 a lot of things have happened in Expanse. The new mining Algo is on the way and we are working closely with the recent Central America movement and have already launched 2 tokens for 2 countries on our platform.
EXPANSE NEWSLETTER VOL. 6, NO. 3 – 05/31/2021
Welcome to the 3rd Expanse Newsletter of 2021 a lot of things have happened in Expanse. The token projects are growing fast and communities around EggsSwap, we had a Live with the growing Spanish Community, and much more. Well we invite you to read this impressive Newsletter and we hope to continue publishing it once a month.